Při investování je tvůj kapitál vystaven riziku a může se ti vrátit méně, než jsi investoval. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje budoucí výsledky.

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Investování bez provize
pro každého

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Mohou být účtovány další poplatky. Viz naše podmínky a poplatky.

Invest hero phone

Nakupuj akcie okamžitě

Vyber si svou oblíbenou společnost

Vyber, kolik chceš investovat

Získej své akcie během několika sekund

Tvorba bohatství je zvyk.
Automatizuj ho pomocí Pie.

Investuj do předpřipravených pies, nebo si vytvoř své vlastní výběrem z tisíců akcií a ETF

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Vlastni i ty nejdražší akcie jako Google, Amazon a Apple

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Získej denní úrok ze svého portfolia

Zvyš návratnost svých investic pomocí funkce půjčování akcií na platformě Trading 212

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Share lending hero imageShare lending hero mobile image

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První a jediné na světě

obchodování 24/5
se zlomkovými akciemi

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Vydělej AER na

Dostávej zaplaceno denně. Vybírej kdykoli.

Pokud povolíš úročení, budeme držet tvou hotovost v kvalifikovaných fondech peněžního trhu a bankách. Jinak ji budeme držet pouze v bankách. Úrok se vztahuje na hotovost na tvém investičním účtu. Použijí se podmínky. Při investování je tvůj kapitál ohrožen.

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1 investiční účet.
13 globálních měn.

Vyhni se poplatkům za FX. Vkládej a investuj ve více měnách.

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Své portfolio můžeš převádět od jednoho obchodníka k druhému

Automatické, bezpapírové, zdarma

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Portfolio Transfer Hero

Zobrazit všechny obchodní nástroje

Investuj s osvobozením od daní do
akcií a podílů ISA

Naše nekompromisní investiční zkušenosti dostupné také jako akcie a podíly ISA

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Otevřít účet ISA

Daňový režim závisí na tvých individuálních okolnostech a předpisech ISA, které se mohou změnit

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Daňový režim závisí na tvých individuálních okolnostech a předpisech ISA, které se mohou změnit

Podpora 24/7

Průměrná doba odezvy 29 sekund

Začni budovat své bohatství teď

Přidej se k více než 4 milionům uživatelů

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Získej mobilní aplikaci


Všechny prezentované statistiky jsou globální. Počet klientů představuje financované účty.


Hodnoceno 4.6 / 5 založeno na 45 009 hodnoceních


Hodnoceno 4.6 / 5 založeno na 45 009 hodnoceních



Easy to use & understand

Wanted to learn how to invest into individual stocks and the ease to switch between Stocks & Shares ISA and Cash ISA is effortless. Plus to have everything all in one place is so simple!


User friendly and reliable

The experience is great - user friendly, reliable and transparent platform for trading as well as daily operations once the card was introduced. I am not very experienced trader to call myself a professional, however I can for sure say that Trading212 is reliable


The cash isa is a leading market…

The cash isa is a leading market product currently and the only app is simple but secure to make deposits or withdrawals.


I love the concept of pies

Low (or zero) commission fees Easy and user-friendly interface “Pies” function where you create your own and personal (can be made Public) little “fund-concept” bunch of securities


I’ve just started using Trading 2-1-2…

I’ve just started using Trading 2-1-2 after seeing it mentioned on the Martin Lewis show. Really impressed with how easy it is to use and the app gives daily updates of your trading and investments which I love! Definitely recommend.


Excellent customer service

Excellent customer service. The app is incredibly responsive and easy to use.


Nice app

Easy to use and get familiar with. Easy to invest and save. Had a good experience with customer service, and I got my money back.


Constantly updating the app and also…

Constantly updating the app and also good services for their customers like the ability to earn money on uninvested cash. T212 is probably the best broker out there.


Excellent app for those beginning to…

Excellent app for those beginning to invest in stocks and shares. It’s simple and easy to use and quick to setup. Another benefit of having a trading 212 Account is you can get 5% Cash ISA and free withdrawals anytime is another bonus Would 100% recommend


Easy to open an account and transfer…

Easy to open an account and transfer money. The whole universe of investments are available. Good investment platform if you do not want to pay high monthly fees or trading fees.


Best features for entry level investors

Amazing App, I work in trading and have several trading accounts- this one is the best in terms of App and features and prices. I moved over from vanguard after they introduced monthly account fees with no additional benefits in February. I highly recommend, keep it up please!


Easy and intuitive to use

Easy and intuitive to use. Great educational content.


Great products with top interest rates…

Great products with top interest rates compare to competitors. I am definitely a Fan!


Great customer service

Customer service provided a super fast response. Also, the app is great.


I’m a first time investor

I’m a first time investor, female a one of the minority. I don’t know why because 212 is so easy to use and set everything is so clear, if you don’t know something check the help section out or ask someone. It’s great way to stay investing without have to pay someone else. 212 guide you and send alerts.


So easy to use

So easy to use, cash is safely stored and easily accesible and an amazing interest rate!



Amazing! I’ve been investing in stocks and shares ISA on a monthly basis a fixed amount and in less than 12 mo the I’m already over 30% in profits ! It’s taken a while after starting to see the profits come in but now it’s good to see my investment is working so well for me!


Trading 212 offers the fatest service…

Trading 212 offers the fatest service all through. I have been using their services for 1 month now. I transferred money through their stocks and cash ISA and invested some income in the stocks and cash ISAs. The interest rate is 4.9% on cash ISAs which is earned daily. The process has always been smooth and seamless, adding money in my account using most of the banks available. I strongly recommend.


Great experience, highly recommend

Easy to use and navigate. The interest rates are very competitive. The whole experience has been a really good one. Highly recommended.


Everything is intuitive

Everything is intuitive, straightforward and well explained. T212 is a joy to use. Well done team behind it.

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