When investing, your capital is at risk and you may get back less than invested. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

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1 investing account.
13 global currencies.

Avoid FX fees. Deposit and invest across multiple currencies.

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Deposit in your preferred currency

Deposit and withdraw with the same currency as your bank account's currency to avoid conversion fees from your bank

Supported currencies

currency logo


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currency logo


Pay no FX fees
by trading in the asset's currency

  • Buying Tesla?

    Invest USD

  • Buying Porsche?

    Invest EUR

  • Buying Tesco?

    Invest GBP

0.15% FX fee applies only when converting funds

  • Buying Tesla?

    Invest USD

  • Buying Porsche?

    Invest EUR

  • Buying Tesco?

    Invest GBP

0.15% FX fee applies only when converting funds

Convert funds instantly.
Even on weekends.

With Trading 212 you convert funds at the live interbank rate, the same rate banks use to convert currencies with each other.

We charge only 0.15% FX fee on currency conversions!

No extra FX costs. You'll never pay more than 0.15%, even on weekends.

Earn AER on

Get paid daily. Withdraw anytime.

If you enable interest, we will hold your cash in qualifying money market funds and banks. Otherwise, we will hold it only in banks. Interest applies on cash in an investment account. Terms apply. When investing, your capital is at risk.

Start building wealth now

Join over 4 million clients

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All stats are global. The clients figure refers to lifetime funded accounts.


Rated 4.6 / 5 based on 45,007 reviews on


Rated 4.6 / 5 based on 45,007 reviews on



Easy to use & understand

Wanted to learn how to invest into individual stocks and the ease to switch between Stocks & Shares ISA and Cash ISA is effortless. Plus to have everything all in one place is so simple!


User friendly and reliable

The experience is great - user friendly, reliable and transparent platform for trading as well as daily operations once the card was introduced. I am not very experienced trader to call myself a professional, however I can for sure say that Trading212 is reliable


The cash isa is a leading market…

The cash isa is a leading market product currently and the only app is simple but secure to make deposits or withdrawals.


I love the concept of pies

Low (or zero) commission fees Easy and user-friendly interface “Pies” function where you create your own and personal (can be made Public) little “fund-concept” bunch of securities


I’ve just started using Trading 2-1-2…

I’ve just started using Trading 2-1-2 after seeing it mentioned on the Martin Lewis show. Really impressed with how easy it is to use and the app gives daily updates of your trading and investments which I love! Definitely recommend.


Excellent customer service

Excellent customer service. The app is incredibly responsive and easy to use.


Nice app

Easy to use and get familiar with. Easy to invest and save. Had a good experience with customer service, and I got my money back.


Constantly updating the app and also…

Constantly updating the app and also good services for their customers like the ability to earn money on uninvested cash. T212 is probably the best broker out there.


Excellent app for those beginning to…

Excellent app for those beginning to invest in stocks and shares. It’s simple and easy to use and quick to setup. Another benefit of having a trading 212 Account is you can get 5% Cash ISA and free withdrawals anytime is another bonus Would 100% recommend


Easy to open an account and transfer…

Easy to open an account and transfer money. The whole universe of investments are available. Good investment platform if you do not want to pay high monthly fees or trading fees.


Best features for entry level investors

Amazing App, I work in trading and have several trading accounts- this one is the best in terms of App and features and prices. I moved over from vanguard after they introduced monthly account fees with no additional benefits in February. I highly recommend, keep it up please!


Easy and intuitive to use

Easy and intuitive to use. Great educational content.


Great products with top interest rates…

Great products with top interest rates compare to competitors. I am definitely a Fan!


Great customer service

Customer service provided a super fast response. Also, the app is great.


I’m a first time investor

I’m a first time investor, female a one of the minority. I don’t know why because 212 is so easy to use and set everything is so clear, if you don’t know something check the help section out or ask someone. It’s great way to stay investing without have to pay someone else. 212 guide you and send alerts.


So easy to use

So easy to use, cash is safely stored and easily accesible and an amazing interest rate!



Amazing! I’ve been investing in stocks and shares ISA on a monthly basis a fixed amount and in less than 12 mo the I’m already over 30% in profits ! It’s taken a while after starting to see the profits come in but now it’s good to see my investment is working so well for me!


Trading 212 offers the fatest service…

Trading 212 offers the fatest service all through. I have been using their services for 1 month now. I transferred money through their stocks and cash ISA and invested some income in the stocks and cash ISAs. The interest rate is 4.9% on cash ISAs which is earned daily. The process has always been smooth and seamless, adding money in my account using most of the banks available. I strongly recommend.


Great experience, highly recommend

Easy to use and navigate. The interest rates are very competitive. The whole experience has been a really good one. Highly recommended.


Everything is intuitive

Everything is intuitive, straightforward and well explained. T212 is a joy to use. Well done team behind it.

Showing some of our positive client reviews

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Frequently asked questions

What is a multi-currency account?

A multi-currency account like Trading 212 Invest allows you to hold money and trade in multiple currencies. This means you don't have to convert money and incur FX fees each time you trade in a different currency.

Which currencies does Trading 212 Invest support?

In your Trading 212 Invest account, you can hold a variety of currencies, including GBP, USD, EUR, CHF, DKK, NOK, PLN, SEK, CZK, RON, BGN, and HUF.

Can I hold multiple currencies in a Trading 212 ISA or a Trading 212 CFD account?

Currently, only the Invest account is a multi-currency account.

Can I convert funds between currencies directly in the Trading 212 app?

Yes, you can convert funds instantly. Even on weekends.

Do I pay an FX fee when converting funds?

With Trading 212 you convert funds at the live interbank rate, the same rate banks use to convert currencies with each other.

We charge only 0.15% FX fee on currency conversions!

No extra FX costs. You'll never pay more than 0.15%, even on weekends.

What is a primary currency?

The primary currency is the currency you choose when you initially open a Trading 212 account. It serves as the default currency for displaying your account value, positions, reports, statements, etc.

Can I change my primary currency?

Once selected during account setup, the primary currency can't be changed. However, you can hold funds and trade in any of the supported currencies:


Can I select the deposit currency?

Yes, with Trading 212 Invest you can deposit funds in any of the supported currencies. This flexibility not only allows for more control over your account management and trading activity but can also help you avoid potential conversion charges from your bank.

Can I select the withdrawal currency?

Yes, you can withdraw funds in any currency. You can select one currency balance to withdraw from, and we will payout those funds in the selected currency.

We won't automatically convert funds when processing withdrawals. Please ensure that you manually convert your funds to the desired withdrawal currency before initiating the withdrawal request.

Please ensure the bank account you intend to withdraw to is in the same currency as your withdrawal. Otherwise, your bank may charge you an FX fee and potentially cause delays in the processing of your withdrawal.

Can I select the currency when placing orders?

Yes, when placing an order you can select between your primary currency and the asset's currency. Pay no FX fees on your trades by selecting the asset's currency.

Some examples:

Buying Tesla? Invest USD 💵
Buying Porsche? Invest EUR 💶
Buying Tesco? Invest GBP 💷

If you use "Number of shares" orders and the share price increases, only funds from the same currency will be used to cover the increased cost. Funds in other currencies won't be automatically converted to meet the price increase.

Can I combine multiple currencies in one order?

No, you can select one currency per order.

Do Pies support multi-currency balances?

Pies hold cash in your primary currency. When adding or taking out funds from your pies you have to use your primary currency balance, and currency conversions are charged at our standard FX fee of 0.15%. This includes any dividend reinvestments, which will again be processed in your primary currency.

Will you share interest on all currencies I hold?

With Trading 212, you earn interest on your uninvested cash with all currencies eligible for interest sharing. Please refer to our Terms page to check the current rates.

What happens to proceeds from dividends and other corporate actions?

Proceeds from dividends and other corporate actions are credited in your primary currency and are exempt from FX fee.

In which currency is my account value and account statement calculated?

Your account value is calculated and displayed in your primary currency.

Account statements are calculated and issued in your primary currency and include a breakdown of uninvested cash for each individual currency. They also include records of all currency conversion transactions, providing you with a comprehensive and transparent view of your multi-currency trading activities.